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Cachïng for EntreprnUrs

The world is changing and we believe deeply in supporting and empowering purpose-driven entrepreneurs by guiding them on a transformational journey that supports them in unlocking their unique potential at a deep, holistic, and embodied level. 


In these immersive programs, you'll delve into the gifts and challenges of your individual human design as it relates to your work in the world, learn effective approaches to creative collaboration, align your life and work with a sense of enlivening purpose, and learn to view the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial adventure a path to greater self-awareness and empowerment. 

What You'll

Our Entrepreneurial coaching and mentorship will help You:

  • Craft a Personalized Marketing Strategy:  Develop a tailored marketing plan that seamlessly integrates with your unique leadership style, gifts and design, ensuring resonance with your target audience while driving business growth


  • Align Your Brand Voice with Your Leadership Blueprint:   Cultivate a brand voice that authentically reflects your leadership blueprint, fostering deeper connections with your audience and enhancing your influence as a purpose-driven leader.​​ 


  • Amplify Your Voice in Alignment with Your Design:  Harness the power of your voice and energy in ways that align with your leadership blueprint, effectively communicating your message and driving positive change within your organization and industry.


  • Experience Effortless Flow in Your Leadership:  Cultivate a state of ease and flow in your leadership journey, optimizing productivity, creativity, and well-being as you lead with authenticity and purpose according to your unique design.


  • Build Sustainable Business Structures:  Design systems and processes that support sustainable growth, allowing you to thrive in a way that supports external success and internal well-being.



The Outcomes

  • Enhanced efficiency, reduced stress, and an increased sense of well-being.Greater clarity and alignment with your life's purpose and work.


  • A spiritual perspective on entrepreneurship that prevents you from getting stuck when confronted with unexpected obstacles and lessons on the path.


  • Personal growth and empowerment that naturally fuels your authentic leadership, abundance, success and impact.


Why Choose Our Coaching Program?

At EMBODIED LEADERSHIP BY DESIGN, we understand that each individual is a unique masterpiece, and our mission is to help you unlock your full potential.  Our program offers a collaborative coaching experience like no other, featuring two expert coaches dedicated to your transformation.

Meet the Team


Laura Cardwell

Laura specializes in providing an abundance of human design information. She'll empower you to align your purpose-full work, business strategies, and decision-making with your unique design. With Laura's guidance, you'll gain clarity in your life and career goals, make informed decisions, and find your path to greater abundance.

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Meghan O'Malley

In Meghan's sessions, you'll embark on a profound journey within yourself. Through intuitively guided imagery-based techniques, Meghan will help you connect with your inner self and truly live your human design. You'll gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, harness your energy, and experience an enhanced sense of self-awareness and well-being.

Entrepreneur Success Incubator

Our 6 month coaching program includes:

  • Comprehensive coaching program designed to align you with your Success Blueprint


  • 14 immersive sessions tailored to delve into the "what" of your Success Blueprint based on creating impact, attracting aligned clients, growth and abundance, and sustainable business foundations and practices.


  • Hands-on sessions integrating applied neurosciences and somatic experiences to facilitate deep deconditioning and belief reprogramming


  • Personalized guidance to uncover and overcome blocks, narratives, and limiting beliefs hindering your progress


  • Interactive sessions fostering alignment and deeper understanding of your purpose and goals


  • Culminating wrap-up session to synthesize insights and strategies, ensuring sustainable growth and transformation

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We are committed to your growth and transformation. Our coaching program is designed to provide you with the tools and insights you need to:

  • Gain clarity and purpose in your life and work.


  • Empower yourself to make decisions that align with your design.


  • Access greater support and abundance.


  • Use your voice and energy in powerful ways.


  • Experience greater ease and flow in your life.

LEARN MORE ABOUT Entrepreneurial coaching NOW!

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With your investment of $1200 per month, let's embark on this life-changing journey together. This investment in yourself will pay dividends in the form of greater fulfillment, success, and alignment in all areas of your life.

Your path to a more purposeful, empowered, and abundant life starts here. It all starts with a simple click. Reach out, reserve your spot, and embrace the transformation awaiting you on your entrepreneurial path.

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